

Fanie's passion and love for this hobby started way back in the 1980's. When he started his fish room in his garage, it was small and dedicated to Malawis only. After a couple of years, the expansion followed and a log cabin was erected. The amount of tanks increased from 30 to 72 and the species of fish expanded as customers requested a bigger variety. Fanie is still managing the fish room mostly by himself and he is the guy you will find catching and bagging the fishes.



With the same passion for this hobby as Fanie, Cecilia devoted much of her time and money to the sucess of Fanie's Fishroom



Lynn is assisting in the fishroom when the Fanie is not available. Lynn is also responsible for emergency deliveries when needed at a short notice.


Web designer

Marietjie is resonsible for the design of Fanie's Fishroom website. It took many hours and a lot of tears before the website took shape and got published. There are still lot of work to be done and eventually the fruit of all the hard work will pay of.